Soul Imaginal Counselling

This counseling approach considers the human individual as an entity made up of a soul, a spirit (not to be confused one another because they are different in nature, quality and characteristics), an identity, a physical body, and the sphere of personality (from the Latin “persona”, which means mask); the latter is equivalent to all those character aspects that the creature has acquired in order to cope with the wounds and traumas of his childhood and which they then carry with themselves.

Many discomforts and problems are often found in the sphere of the soul and / or spirit: (often called the "trans-personal" sphere) and therefore fall within the scope of the "psychology of the soul".

I use the term psychology as "Psychology" is a compound word of Greek derivation: Psiché-Logos, that means “to speak about the soul”. In the modern era this word can take on two meanings: one is the commonly understood and it identifies the profession of most common psychologists that deal with aspects of human interiority mainly related to individuality and personality; the second meaning, on the other hand, refers to an approach that deals with aspects directly related to the vast and complex kingdom of the soul, invisible to our eyes, eternal and yet so, so present.

Moods are not vague metaphors of imprecise inner sensations, but clear messages that our soul communicates to us to make her voice heard (melancholy, yearning, oppression or even lightness, enthusiasm, joy of living).

Often they are sudden and happen for no apparent reason, other times they may seem rationally disproportionate to the situation in which they occur, but knowing the mechanisms of the soul, all these movements find a place and an explanation by being recognised and welcomed for what they are: vivid communications of our soul.

The soul makes itself felt all those times when something "vibrates" within us and is not necessarily connected to what we know about our current life. We can either feel familiarity and feel at ease or feel a strong repulsion and feel strongly uncomfortable, with respect to places, objects, situations, people; often all this can be accompanied by the so-called "deja-vù".

In the current era, the majority of people's difficulties are encountered in their relationships: intimate, family and work related; and these dynamics manifest themselves in the collective as macro events between large groups, countries, nations and continents. As within so without, as above so below.

Behind these difficulties often there are soul and karmic entanglements.

Karma comes from the Sanskrit word: "karman".

Karman means to act, and it is absolutely not to be considered in a passive and punitive sense. Karma is not something that is endured and suffered by dint of being whipped. Karma is like a wheel that invites us to act and to learn a lesson, and with slightly different clothes it proposes the same theme again and again until we are able to overcome it and make peace with it.

The realms of soul and spirit carry with them a wonderful complexity, with specific characteristics and functions, where the whole (or the collective) is reflected in the one (the individual personal zone), and the one reverberates itself in the collective multiplicity. Imaginal Soul Centred Counselling deals with this.

This approach explains the various functions of life (individual and collective-social) in such a way as to understand at a deep level of soul and spirit the carrying out of certain actions and consequences, whether beautiful or terrible they be.

This understanding favours a lucid and clear vision of what happens around to and inside us, allowing us to proceed in the territories of life with more awareness, consciousness and wisdom.

Within the realm of the soul, the 7 rays play a certain role: each human soul, in cycles of incarnations, "chooses" a particular frequency to adhere to and through which to carry the ideas and principles of its spirit into concrete existence on to the Planet Earth.

Each ray has its own characteristics, attitudes and "vices". By vices we mean harmful and distorted ways which the soul "stumbles" on during its own experience. Recognising them, understanding why one is "stuck", and then returning to the pure source of the ray is what a Soul centred approach helps to do.

Another important aspect is the consideration given to the dream realm, as this is one of the ways the soul communicates trough the imaginal language, unfiltered by the mind, manifested through dreams. Learning to read them, in a clear and simple way, with respect to the subjective experience of the dreamer, provides a valid tool for getting in touch with the movements of their own soul.

Another important part of this work concerns archetypes and myths, understood as "behaviour patterns" (in a nutshell) whose influence is evaluated in our life; their influence can be unconscious and therefore they can result in harmful patterns; or they can be calibrated and consciously chosen and then become valid aids and reference models useful for one's existence.

In this light, the individual is therefore welcomed in his total uniqueness, taking highly into consideration their ray of soul, the principles of their spirit, their current experience and their personal history; in this way methods and tools suitable and tailored to their nature are offered, which favour the re-discovery of the path that leads to feeling of “feeling alive in living life”, in a thorough, juicy palpable way.

The sessions take place both in the studio and via Skype.


Memorandum for the Soul in difficult times


"The rediscovery of the Soul - Us and Our Animals"