3rd Ray, Active Intelligence

3rd Ray, Active Intelligence, yellow colour.

The third ray is that of inventors, researchers, musicians, scientists, explorers and those who want to understand how the mechanisms of life and nature work internally, down to their innermost microscopic core.

This ray came down to Earth to balance the 2nd ray which in its distortion lacks measure, reason, balance and analytical capacity.

The distortion of the 3rd ray, on the other hand, occurs when it loses consciousness, it goes too far risking to touching (and tampering with) the wise and intelligent functionings that Reasonable (balanced) and Intelligent Nature has created.

This ray can also tend towards a sort of materialism (things only exists if I can see, touch, measure and predict them) and towards analysis which isolates everything into a separate parts without connecting them to the whole, thus forgetting the bigger picture.

Science that lacks true knowledge and conscience is at risks of standardising, analysing and fragmenting too much, suffocating thus the divine spark that can create everything.

Mathematics, geometry, natural sciences, chemistry, biology, physics, computer science are all disciplines that belong to this ray.. how are they being "sold" and presented in this current society? What do they want us to believe they are?

To those who have an innate and personal holistic conception of life, traditional modern science immediately appears as an abomination. However, it is necessary to understand the genesis of the most recent manifestation of this ray so as to be able to understand it, comprehending its weak points, and being able to appreciate it better by welcoming and making the most out of its qualities and benefits.

The Illuminists, well known by the importance they gave to the "light of reason", tried to underline the value of ratio, i.e. measure, so as not to go too far in unbridled dangerous descents and flights of fancy in the name of yearnings which often led to unhappy epilogues. The measure, that is, the ratio, as a pure instrument introduced by the third ray, lost its purity and was transformed into a fragmentary, broken and cold analysis, outside the centered balance that the third ray itself would have liked to manifest. This ratio itself lost the sense of proportion, the importance of which it initially wanted to underline. The intent of measurement thus became a frantic quest to measure and control nature, trying to dominate Life.

Many havocs and disasters had been committed by the blind ones who relied only on the internal movements of the soul without the use of reason, depicted by Plato as the charioteer of the winged chariot. The third ray originally went out to mitigate the chaos of the distorted second ray, but it went itself into excess as well. All distortions of each ray are excesses, and each ray has seen itself undergo many distortions from its original purity. Thus reason and measure became cold. Aseptic rationality only looked at making everything work out mechanically without waste, and aimed at being able to explain every single event, because, if it had not been possible to explain it, then it would simply have been relegated to the impossibility of existing; and even if it had existed but there was no way to explain it then it would not have been controllable and could have once again led to exasperations and excesses not mediated by reason.

The pure third ray brings with it the desire to understand the intelligence of Nature. The laws that govern macro mechanisms are relatively reflected in the microcosm. The beauty and magic that are revealed and brought to light thanks to the activity of the pure third ray are of inestimable beauty. The true understanding of things happens when analysis and synthesis are united, but not fused-confused indiscriminately, but rather put in relation to each other as if they were the two poles of the symbol of infinity, in which the life that powers the two poles flows, being at the same time powered by them. The third ray aims to outline the rhythms, designs and plots that mark the Life system. The talent to analyse and systematise information according to mathematical rules is also expressed through the composition of music.

The oriental philosophical-spiritual-esoteric and exoteric currents tend to want to exclude the analytical and detailed explanation of the functioning of their practices aimed at the awakening of conscience, precisely as an "antidote" to the "will/crave/need to understand" since the latter has often obscured and supplanted the direct and “surgical feeling” that goes like this: “I know that I know, but I don't know how, but I know that I know it and I know that it is so”.

A direct feeling that goes beyond calculations and detailed explanations that are sometimes exaggeratedly analytical and fragmentary.

However, clear, essential and precise explanations become useful to "calm down" and involve the left lobe of our brain which, struck by amazement and perplexity, is often taken aback by narratives that do not coincide with its own rationality. The left brain struggles to understand, given that is its nature, but feeling goes directly to a deeper knowledge and helps us understand the experience on an "epidermic" level. Yes, because information penetrates inside us and passes through our skin, goes through it. The skin is the membrane that connects us with the world, just as the membrane of cells connects them with their external environment.

The intellect (intus-lègere, reading inside) leads us to discover with renewed and amazed amazement how an object is made, how its gears move, and what similarities there may be with other objects or systems present in the life-environment that surrounds us; and it is precisely this that allows us to acquire wisdom and knowledge.

The third ray and the individuals belonging to the third ray, as in every ray, can encounter various particular refractions, various ways of distorting themselves; let's see some.

There is the possibility that its refractions manifests as theoretical abstraction, where formula after formula it tries to analyse an object down to the most infinitely small detail, losing sight of the entirety of the whole. The theoretical part can certainly give us a lot of useful information but, remaining in the abstract sphere, it lacks the practical application characterized by that concrete pragmatism useful in everyday life.

Another way in which the third ray can refract itself is by closing itself off isolating itself, wanting to keep all the discoveries it makes guarded and secret. This behaviour is typical of the scientist who studies and makes new discoveries one after the other, but keeps all the knowledge he receives jealously in his lap, he does not want and is not interested in sharing it, thinking to himself that the others will take care of this matter anyway somewhen: so this is not a problem that worries him.

Another more refraction that we can encounter within the third ray is exaggerated analysis. It concentrates on looking, studying and analysing singularities without connecting them to the wholeness. This often happens in classical medicine: we try to treat the symptom without taking into consideration what that symptom is signaling in relation to the overall health of the body and the individual. As written above, the third ray, which initially came to mitigate the exasperated love detached from wisdom, ended up arrogating to itself the role of creator and demiurge who manages and controls nature instead of assisting a conscious, measured understanding of its laws.

A story for the third ray:

Dusk was advancing, and the day was giving way to the night which was slowly taking place and making room for itself. Those were dark times, many centuries have passed since then, but the struggles continue to this day; the injustices and obscurantism too, albeit under other appearances; but the creative flame of life continues to burn, and the pioneers continue to exist…

That evening the cemetery would be without a caretaker, there were rumours he was ill, and while waiting to find a replacement, no one could guard the tombs. Leonardo had been trembling for days, he had been waiting for this moment for months and years... to be able to truly see how the human body was really made, without abstract suppositions. He wanted to see, observe and look with his own eyes directly at the wonder that the skin of all of us envelops and hides. So he put on his cloak, covered his head with the large hood and, carrying a spade and a few other tools, set off towards the cemetery. A few days earlier one of his fellow villagers had been buried, he often complained of a strong belly ache, on the right side, under the upper chest... Leonardo therefore thought of going to dig him up, both because a few days had passed since his death, so the body should have not shown great signs of deterioration and because, it seemed to him a good and fortunate thing, to know exactly what pain the man was complaining about: thus he could compare his testimony with what he would find in the corresponding area of his body. A good way to check and compare the state of the body with what had been the aches the man suffered lately. Arriving at the burial place of his fellow villager, Leonardo took the spade and began to dig... with every spadeful of earth that he removed he felt one step closer to realising one of his deepest longings. He felt that he would give something immeasurable to the world, even though he knew that many would not understand it and would accuse him of abuse and heresy. For others he was only desecrating a body; Leonardo, on the other hand, had the utmost respect for life and the creation that hosts Life within itself, but he wanted it to be revealed clearly, and not only according to constructed and widespread hypotheses and by ecclesiastical currents, aimed at obscuring the independence and uniqueness of thought inherent in every human being. He dug up the body, loaded it into a wheelbarrow, put the earth back in the grave, and quickly returned to his home. With some effort and fatigue he lifted the body and placed it on a large wooden table. He took off the poor and worn out clothes the dead man was wearing, and taking a sharp knife in his hand, he cut the skin from just below his throat to his lower abdomen; under the first layer of skin he noticed another layer made up of many bundles, he incised that too, separated the edges and what was revealed to his sight was a set of many shapes, distinct but connected to each other, with different aspects and different consistencies . “So this is what we have in our bodies, assuming everyone has the same things inside,” he thought to himself.

Taken by amazement and wonder, a deep emotion rose within him. All those wise constructions... like a mosaic, each one found its place. Suddenly he remembered the illness from which his fellow villager had died. He then directed his gaze under the right side of the body.. and what he saw shook him strongly. The shape that was there was ruined, a dark red color that turned towards black, the surface was pitted and irregular, it smelled even more than the others. Who knows what was hidden inside this organ-shape. Who knows how it was structured and how it was made... Continuing his exploration Leonardo decided to also open the skull, sawed the bones of the skull... and amazement struck him again; he lowered his gaze to the abdomen... and noticed a certain similarity between what was the organ responsible for the passage of food, and what lay in the head of his fellow villager. How much there was to discover and know... this was just a small beginning, a small but great beginning. There was much knowledge that resided in the human being's wealth of knowledge and experience, but many of these had been lost, obscured and supplanted by false beliefs. There was so much to rediscover and put in a new light..that was hallow ground.

A poem for the third ray:

What force, what intelligence 
so amiably arranges
every pigment of colour
in a so neat and harmonious manner?

What force, what intelligence
whispers to every cell of the Rose
to express
that very particular hue
in that very specific point?

What would life be in the hands of Chaos!
It wouldn’t be nothing but chaotic haphazardly confusion 

But a force, a genius, a love of Nature
instills and insufflates the most beautiful harmony
This is the way the Great Mind works
It whispers to creation, worlds of organisation.

The human body is one of the greatest wonders that nature gives us. It has evolved over time and continues to evolve along with all creation... but it is more or less complete and there is nothing that humans can invent to make it better. It would be "superb" to think of inventing some accessory organ, for example. If anything, what conscious science can do is try to understand it as best as possible, studying the codes and laws it contains, protected and expertly hidden within it, which will be revealed at the right time.


3rd Ray, Harmony through conflict


2nd Ray Love and Wisdom