The Virgin Upside-Down

Today is March 8th and there is a lot of talk about the Woman but perhaps it would be better to talk about the feminine, and therefore the Soul. However, it is also right to discuss the archetype of the Woman and how this has a central role in our life and existence.

Every word has its own frequency that vibrates in the world. We can therefore understand the importance and power of the Word, both in its pure and distorted uses. I would like to start today with this article to bring to light and re-evaluate a couple of words that have been robbed of their true and original meaning and used to manipulate and confuse many souls for centuries and centuries.

Let's talk about the word Virgin. What hasn't been said about it... how many barbaric ways of interpreting this word, and how many abuses, but let's pay attention to its original etymology.

We can read it in two ways.

Virgin: from the Latin virgo, it is linked to the Indo-European root varg- = to be swollen, turgid, luxuriant and therefore, in a broad sense, mature (to marriage or sexual activity in general). It should be underlined that the same Sanskrit root varg- or urg'- is found in the etymology of the term orgasm which, literally, expresses the idea of exuberance or in the Greek term ὀργάς (orgàs) = ubertous, fertile (referable both to a land , or to a young woman ready for marriage).

Virgo: ver-gyne, ver connects to vero that is real, truth, which derives from the Sanskrit vrtta=fact, occurrence; Gynè, on the other hand, derives from ancient Greek and means Woman, Female.

We are therefore faced with a Virgin who is a woman in fact, a formed woman and who is in her personal power, like the empress of the Tarot.

There is no mention of sexual intercourse, nor of the preservation of the membrane called the hymen.

Woman, (in italian Donna) on the other hand, derives from the Latin Domina=mistress. Here we go beyond the meaning merely connected to sex but there’s a connotation relating to a role that the female takes on. Domina is the mistress of the house, of her own home. The symbol that emerges is that she IS the mistress of herself.

Let's look at the distortions:

In the common collective when the term Virgin is used it is connected to various images including above all:

1) the Catholic dogma according to which Mary, the mother of Jesus, conceived through divine intervention, therefore without physical penetration and the consequent breaking of the hymen.

2) the girls/boys, who had not yet had their first sexual intercourse, and were often given as sacrifices to monsters or gods

Opting out the reproduction of the body from creation through penetration is symbolically equivalent to removing the poetic, erotic and creative union given by the interpenetration of the two fundamental masculine and feminine principles. It is a very great contradiction to take away from creation the material means specifically suited to creating. Of course, the etheric embryo is already formed before physical conception and hovers in the auric field of the two future parents, but from there to materialize in matter there is a need for penetration, at least in this dimension in which we find ourselves in 99.9% of cases. (Some female sharks have been shown to reproduce via parthenogenesis.)

The figure of Mary, distorted to the nth degree in many ways, became the emblem of the woman who conceived without penetration, thus creating around the entire theme of sexuality a heavy cloud of sin, shame, dirt that has devastated and still devastates the psyche and the fluid and natural development of the human being.

Instead, there were ancient traditions of priestesses/shamans who, by their free choice, not imposed and not dictated by patterns/fears/constrictions, decided to dedicate their lives to their mystical vocation. They were married, in this sense, to the divine, also called the celestial groom/bride or mystical groom. In this case sexual energy was absolutely not repressed or denied but channeled into noble, creative, artistic and mystical activities resulting in a state of ecstasy similar to that of a complete orgasm. Making love with God. Hence the image that these True Women, free and master of themselves, Virgins in the pure sense of the term, renounced the sexual act (which, let us remember, remaining a neutral act in itself, can become creative and divine or destructive and unhealthy depending on how it is experienced).

To be fair, it is necessary that I also mention here the existence of noble lineages of priests and priestesses dedicated to esoteric initiatory practices concerning a particular relationship of intimacy and sexuality. The sexual act experienced according to certain criteria is specifically made to produce high evolutionary vibratory frequencies that travel in the ether throughout the morphogenetic field, contributing to the harmonious beat of the universal heart, sowing streams of light, consciousness, beauty, awareness and union. And this is what happens when two people really make love.

The manipulation of energy implemented in the alterations of words and meanings, in this context, has created chain reactions of executioners and victims who, like puppets, reiterate the same grooves from time to time until they become deep abysses where light has difficulty entering.

Little girls deprived of their original and natural femininity. Denatured mothers, very far from the pure archetype of the Mother, have been themselved victims of specific experiences and circumstances. The ways of compensating for these distortions differ from individual to individual. The common thread, however, remains the non-fluidity of the path, and the deviations that the creature in question faces trying to realise themselves.

As James Hillmann's imaginal vision proposes, acorns (children who are seeds, like acorns, destined to become great oak trees) not helped by the family context are led astray from the most fluid path they could take, but the ways of expressing their character still remain true to their essence.

In Soulology we would say that each individual, based on the ray of his soul, will behave following those characteristics specific to the ray, which however can again be pure, original or distorted. (In this regard there would be a lot to say, see article The 7 rays – The frequencies of the Soul)

Let's give some examples:

a little girl who has been strongly repressed could become a nun not by vocation but by castration and indoctrination, or she could demonstrate her profound dissent by carrying out a strong, intense transgression (from the Latin transgredior = to pass, go beyond, go through); this is how transgressions towards the opposite extreme are often the first necessary steps to overcome and overcome a block, a repression, a limiting situation).

The transgression in question could be acting in pornographic films, or becoming part of the sex workers, and here she would immediately be accused by the moralistic society of being "a slut, a real whore", as if to want to negatively condemn the event that manifests itself through this image.

She could still become a rigid and bigoted teacher or professor who thirsts to repress their pupils as she herself was previously repressed.

She could also adapt to being married, without love, since "women are not allowed to study", or "because what do you want, you are a woman and you have to adapt", and therefore end up being subjected to the role of unrecognised housewife, increasing frustration , sense of dissatisfaction and so on.

There are many distortions of the archetype of women and this is just a small example of certain mechanisms. With the previous reflections we set out to look at marked distortions that affect the female gender, and it is important to underline that even those belonging to the male gender are devastated by a distorted and skew image of what in reality would be the concretisation of Feminine energy, manifested in a woman's body.

Confused creatures will carry within themselves an image, a symbol of the Feminine that does not correspond to what the Natural Nature (tripartite Nature: Cosmic, Human, and the Kingdoms of Nature) had originally thought, thus conditioning (unless an internal work of revision and reevaluation has been started), much of their present incarnation.

How many times does it happen that we look outside for a substitute for what was not given to us, often however following the very script of what the "traumatic" past was.

This paradox is very interesting, because in it there is both the desire to heal the wound, the desire to experience beauty, and at the same time the eternal return of situations that only reconfirm the original discomfort. Each time with a few different lines of script, a few different colours, but the core remains the same.

Matriarchy is a result of a markedly patricentric culture and patriarchy only reinforces a matriarchal rebellion.. it is a vicious circle.. and going to see who threw the stone first is an unprofitable undertaking. However, what we can do is start from where we are now. Cleanse, reevaluate and heal all those archetypes, those myths that live on earth through us, and through which we live.

By healing the sphere of the feminine world, the entire sphere of the masculine is immensely influenced, and vice versa. It becomes an exchange as the infinity symbol shows us. Women's Day, in this light, offers the possibility of reflecting on these themes, of looking differently at the symbol and image of the Woman, of the Virgin, who inhabits us all.

A historical note: a possible origin of Women's Day is the commemoration of the workers who died in an accident in the Cottons factory in New York on 8 March 1908, another version claims that there was confusion with the accident of March 25, 1911 when more than one hundred workers perished and lost their lives inside the Triangle Waist Company factory in New York, yet another version traces the commemoration to a protest started by a group of female textile workers, again in New York on March 8, 1917, violently suppressed by the Police. In my opinion, Women's Day should be the Remembrance of Our Origin, of the cosmic womb, of the Great Mother that the sign of Pisces reminds us of and of the Soul as a pearl of the Spirit, honouring one's body in this earthly existence (the earthly Virgo(!!) astrological Sign) as their Sacred, Divine and Natural Temple.

Happy reunion with your Soul.


6th Ray of the Soul: Devotion and Idealism